[#LLSIF, (Smile) Party UR Ruby "Tasty Premonition"

Skill: Amplify (Giga)

Effect: Every 15 notes
• Lv1-8: 14-42% chance to raise Skill Level by 6-8
• Lv16: 42% chance to raise Skill Level by 16

Center: Team Smile up by 15%, KanaRuby by 12%

6 11

Exciting Premonition (Cameo)

0 0

Exciting Premonition (Cameo)

1 1

Exciting Premonition (Cameo)

2 8

This is delicious!

Just our boy York enjoying a sinners sandwich

2 2

Exciting Premonition (Cameo)

0 1

Thanks for the tag!

"4 games that would represent me"
😈 Devil May Cry 5
😈 Deadly Premonition
😈 Sonic Adventure 2
😈 Metal Gear Rising https://t.co/voAR8h6RSK

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Exciting Premonition (Cameo)

0 1

My secondary is mostly around 10 ^_^🌹 but there's a bit of everything .. Hi, I am an artist and mental health advocate, this is one of my favourite pieces from a premonition type dream I had..

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Exciting Premonition (Cameo)

1 2

Premonition: goes to Iron's house to learn to make VRCs best club map.

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[的中した予感 A Spot on Premonition] Kiritani Haruka(桐谷遥)

5 15

Omfg, did that thing show a possible future/premonition (?) to Ran where Leez, Maruna, Rana and the kids die horribly

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Deadly Premonition 2: A Blessing in Disguise got a store page (and is out)


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Exciting Premonition (Cameo)

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Exciting Premonition (Cameo)

0 1

Exciting Premonition (Cameo)

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