"Literal who"
"He only had 2 games on the NES!"
"His games never came out in Japan!"
"He would play just like Ness!"
"Nintendo and Sakurai don't even know he exists!"
"He didn't even have a spirit!"
"Least memorable Nintendo protagonist"

3 16

i hate anime, bitches be like “i love soft anime protagonist" fuck you which one

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My drawing for today's stream on "Female Protagonist" theme. Magical doremi, everyone!... Is there a possibility that the little buddy will give me a pair of those jeggings?

4 10

The thought process here was no deeper than "hm, scorbunny. he looks. shonen protagonist". i hope it is obvious they are Naruto running

4 4

he also has a "2000s video game webcomic protagonist" costume too i guess

0 1

And here is our lil' guy and future ""protagonist"" of USS
I introduce y'all on Twitter to "Pweek", the Cockatiel

Because I effin' suck at names, yes.

0 4

oohhh im kinning!!!111
bc made me im "lazy meme but has a dark past" "average in every shape of the word but still somehow a protagonist" "protec"

0 2

HERES MY DAY 1 FOR !! the prompt was "an adventurer protagonist" AND THIS IS WHAT I WHIPPED UP.... a farmer boy

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first one for "Adventurer Protagonist"

7 103

I Drew Her....

Saionji Kureha: 30 years old and denies any responsibility of being the "protagonist"

10 23

I hope your project "Harem Protagonist" goes SUCCESSFUL!!! Here's the day waiting for "Izumi" in the making...and of course all the other girls too! Ganbatte! がんばって! :3

5 25

"Akira Kurusu - The Protagonist"
I finally made a follow up on my Futaba Sakura piece. It's the Protagonist aka Akira Kurusu in the manga. im planning to complete the whole Phantom Thieves :D

1 3

I've never done at art challenge before, so why not OC-tober. Designing characters woo!

Day 1

This here is Nye (N-eye), for "Protagonist"

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90 Days Left "Favorite Male Protagonist" - Squall Leonhart

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I want Scout to be so awesome that people don't call her a "strong female protagonist" and just call her a hero.

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