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Christian Adams on Theresa May's eventful speech at the Tory Party Conference – political cartoon gallery in Putney
Catalan referendum: 'Hundreds hurt' as police try to stop voters -Patrick Blower - political carton gallery in Putney
Morten Morland on Theresa May & the Tory Party conference in Manchester – political cartoon gallery in Putney
Ben Jennings on Theresa May and the Conservative conference – political cartoon gallery in Putney
Patrick Blower on Boris and Theresa's Cabinet showdown - political cartoon gallery in Putney
Ben Jennings on Boris Johnson and the Tory leadership – political cartoon gallery in Putney
Morten Morland on Brexit and Toxic fumes over Eastbourne – political cartoon gallery in Putney
50 years on from the Summer of Love - Peter Schrank – political cartoon gallery in Putney
Steve Bell on Donald Trump and Afghanistan – political cartoon gallery in Putney
Christian Adams on Donald Trump sending more troops to Afghanistan – political cartoon gallery in Putney
Donald Trump sacking of Steve Bannon and Bruce Forsyth tribute - political cartoon gallery in Putney
Ben Jennings on Donald Trump and Charlottesville racism - political cartoon gallery in Putney
Morten Morland on Donald Trump and Charlottesville racism - political cartoon gallery in Putney
Dave Brown on Donald Trump and Charlottesville racism - political cartoon gallery in Putney
Dave Brown on the confrontation between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un – political cartoon gallery in Putney
12-13 Aug @EthicalWellBng Festival in Putney. Come browse our range of prints & handmade cards #veganfood #yoga &stalls incl @OrangutanFndn
Mount Trumpmore by Alan Moir - political cartoon gallery in Putney
Wife warns Boris Johnson against leadership bid - Peter Brookes - political cartoon gallery in Putney
Andy Davey on the summer recess - political cartoon gallery in Putney
White House press secretary Sean Spicer resigns - Brian Adcock - political cartoon gallery in Putney