It looks unfinished but im very tired😭😭😭 Maybe ill finish later
Day 3- hospital

91 412

doing both omega-dottoscara and oc-dottoascara this week bc i love them both sm

2 20

День 1 доттоскар недели: обнимашки и первая встреча (Эшер май беловд)

47 192

[First meeting : Hug] repost old-works about Hug! \(○^ω^○)/

43 237

Решила поучаствовать чё б нет, лишь бы сил хватило, столько всего что я хочу нарисовать

61 294

Hello, lovers! Thank you for your interest in Ransara week! We're excited to see the art you create once the week rolls around. Please tag those works with and once we kick things off! Schedule and theme reveal coming soon!

25 56

Day 7: Reincarnation / Final Resting place (very late but shh)

I imagined what happens after the fire moth disapear in the trailer 🔥

19 65

Day 1 : Childhood

Sorry I'm late T.T but I'll try to catch up the event :')

24 56

Day 5: Snow Festival 🎄💋
(Merry Christmas yall!!)

99 338

Day 5 : Snow Festival ❄
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all🎄🎁🎉~

35 113