Saturday bot has some serious cleaning to do.
day 16

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Thursday bot is quite satisfied...possibly a little too satisfied. day 14.

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It's Weird Wednesday! I wouldn't want today's bot hovering anywhere near me, would you?

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Here's a strange Sunday bot. Any guesses as to what his function is?

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20 minute warm up sketch for today's bot. I generally have nothing particular in mind for these. I just start sketching and see what happens.

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10 minute warm up sketch. Just playing around with some brushes.

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Monday bot's coffee is good to the last drop! Super quick warm up sketch for your Monday!

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I have not one, but 2 new stickers available in my store! Go to to get one!

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Guess what, coffee fans? New sticker now available in my store! Head to to get yours today!

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Last one done for the K9 Officers in These were so much fun to draw!

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I had a lot of fun drawing these guys for a few K9 Officers in Stay tuned for a few more pics this week!

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Today's robot is my current state. Just a quick warm up sketch. Lots of fun projects in the works this week!

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I have two new prints available this weekend at ! Stop by K5 and pick up one!

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