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‘Beep beep!’ The Tour de Romandie started today so here’s a Suisse inspired team car.

3 12

On this we are grateful for our amazing and the treasures it houses! This gorgeous book, Plants of the Coast of Coromandel, is currently being used for research by a student. Glad we could help!

0 4

The full evolution line of my Coromander!

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55 councils signed the Local Govt Leaders' Declaration. The other twenty-three, incl Coromandel & West Coast have not. Pictured is Sandra Goudie, Mayor of Thames Coromandel. My

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Red Bird. Detail of a House Coat. India, Coromandel Coast, 1740-1750. Cotton and Silk.

22 54

Two completed commissions for saromanda on Flight Rising!

2 11

Buenas! Yo soy Ana (Romanda) y también hago de todo. Estudié Bellas Artes y Arteterapia, pero ahora me dedico sobre todo a la acuarela y a experimentar con todas las técnicas que conozco :D

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Ruddy Kingfisher (Halcyon coromanda)

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Livio Romandelli氏



6 17

DAY 18:
Armando, el cangrejo ermitaño que vivía en una tapa de botella!
Buah! Uno de los dibujos que más ganas tenía de hacer de todo el reto! 🖤 Espero que os guste!

4 10

The July cover illustrates sustained and repeated mouth opening leads to an increased deposition of Safranin O-stained proteoglycan at the articular surface of the temporomandibular joint in mice.

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・ [RomanDate]レグルス(CV )
・★[RomanDate]リガス(CV )

期間は5月11日(金)15時まで!「digest」ボタンで、ストーリーを試し読み♪ この機会をおみのがしなく! 

3 17



・★4 [RomanDate]レグルス
・★4 [RomanDate]リガス


24 27

"Plants of the Coast of Coromandel" (1795-[1820]) is a major work on the flora of It features 300 hand-colored engraved plates after native Indian artists. Contributed to via

17 37

ROMANDO ROLL福島サポートキャラクター「飯坂ろまん」です。

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If you can count the number of tickets left on your fingers you know you shouldn't leave it to long to book! 9 Nov

4 3

Otama Beach, New Zealnd, painted en plein air. 230mm x 190mm, oil on canvas

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Otama Beach, New Zealnd, painted en plein air. 230mm x 190mm, oil on canvas

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