Hey gamers take this doodle of leo at the beach while I try to fucking cool off

15 112

Call me a coward all you want! I just couldn't bring myself to make him half-turtle half-pony. (Maybe later)

7 86

I drew an alien for a story idea. Kinda based for the krang from ROTMNT.

0 1

We as a society need to appreciate the future tide pods more

18 155

What if I said I had the most heart wrenching angst idea involving both Casey’s, Raph and Leo, with massive amounts of character death.

9 66

the face mikey made when he started to grow hair and was showing off to the others

0 0

Aftermath 17- normal tw's/ blood, donnie's shell bein a mess.
i cannot believe a thing i meant to make maybe 5 parts now has 17 parts AND I STILL HAVE SO MANY TO DO

386 4849

As I redrew this ss it got me thinking “what if raph died protecting young casey”


10 120


13 58

Donnie isn’t big on hugs so he kinda just leans on raph when he needs some for of physical affection

20 78

Me and my brother rock back n forth like this when we talk so I TURNED IT INTO TURTLES (it helps us focus on the conversation)

56 358

Rise Raphs is helping 12’ Raph with his anger management (it’s not going well)

22 184