I'm late, but anyway, Happy New Year!

124 927


54 398

I normally don’t Human on my own will but I just HAD to draw a friend of mine’s depiction of human Sarv

42 310

完全にsarvさんにしか見えない(°p。 )

52 364

recently got a drawing tablet for Christmas so i'll be figuring that out for a little and practicing but happy holidays!

20 168

Sarv is a true friend to Nikusa. Always there to help her.

5 43

'' Tabi's Gift''

Nikusa visits Sarv at the church until she saw the christmas decorations. Learning about christmas from her friend she sought out for a gift that Tabi always wanted. Nikusa will learn that christmas maybe a joyous holiday but its also a chaotic one.

18 132

This part 7 should been out a long time ago. But I got other thing to work and here it is. Part 7, and whole comic series take a lot of work too get done.

4 21


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