April 23

Today is the day celebrated as the birthday of William Shakespeare.

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Art inspired by Ophelia the fictional character in the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. A young noblewoman of Denmark, daughter of Polonius, sister of Laertes, and potential wife of Prince Hamlet.

Alexandre Cabanel🇫🇷
Richard Redgrave 🇬🇧
Marcus Stone 🇬🇧

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Versus XIII
This is a fantasy based on reality. ❤
"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."-WilliamShakespeare.

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Dimanche, une allégorie.

( “Ariel On the bat’s back I do fly.” The Tempest. H.C. Selous, illus. The plays of William Shakespeare. 1870. )

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[ 新宿ネタバレ] Never change Shakespeare...

Work in progress for later but its coming along nice so far. 💦💦

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dude kinda looks like shakespeare.

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The Klingon redesign for Star Trek: The Motion Picture had an unlikely source: Shakespeare.

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Eye Candy: Edwin Austin Abbey scene from Shakespeare. Lines and Colors:

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Heard in bookshop:
I'd like a play by Shakespeare.
Which one?

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Happy birthday to Bill Shakespeare. For the complete story on this cartoon, please go to my Facebook page…

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"Such stuff as dreams are made on"

Happy Birthday Shakespeare.

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Against the stormy gusts of winter day and barren rage of death's eternal cold

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