It’s time for Clash of the Court! Will the first sword of death add the Risen Reaper General’s skull to her collection? Will Kier’s rage be a match for Mortighull’s skill? Cast your votes below!

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Skratch is unencumbered by the burdens of The Underworld. He is as I one day hope to be.

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Find your way to the doors of HushHyde, and I will find you an Underworld guide.

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Heaven and Hell may freeze in their tracks, for I am the undying flame of rebellion.

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Beyond the walls of Illverness, the facades of long lost Kingdoms await discovery.

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Skratch is Oglavaeil’s canine companion. What would your Underworld familiar be?

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Barbaric is the axe that swings without a mark. In the Arena of Spirit, the mark is often intangible.

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While Flesh decays, and Spirit fades, Bone only hardens.


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Dear mourner, I call upon you to rebel. I call upon you to RISE. CONQUER. RULE!


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You are the final stronghold between our boundless freedom and our Celestial Oppressors. RISE!


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Ellianastis was not created, she was found on the horizon of the Underworld, staring from within the Realm of True Spirit.


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No one who enters of the Theaters of Memories leaves the same… few who enter leave at all…


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Bone. Flesh. Spirit. Which faction will you join?


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Wednesday Warfare: It's time for Clash of the Court! This week, a once powerful queen fights against the Queen of the Underworld!

Will the Daughter of Dust rise above her own mother? Cast your votes in the comments below.


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Ellianastis was not created, she was found on the horizon of the Underworld, staring from within the Realm of True Spirit.


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