Dino medal for Tarca (Tarchia) Ankylo was the first time I ever tried using this Dino medal format and it feels so good seeing how much I’ve changed over all this time. Tomorrow will be the last vivosaur in my collection, and it’s been an absolutely amazing ride!

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Dino medal for Eremo (Eremotherium) Megath always felt like a vivosaur who deserved to look cuter, I mean it’s literally a gigantic sloth. With Eremo here I had only one goal in mind: make him look absolutely as huggable as possible! ☺️

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Dino medal for Tylo (Tylosaurus) unfortunately the original design is lost, but over time I’ve really went into the poisonous aspect of his design. Definitely another one I really have grown fond of

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Dino medal for Gorgops (Gorgonops) His design is practically the same as it’s always been, though I got experimental in changing his color scheme. I think it came out very well, a sort of combo between a lion and a tiger

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Dino medal for Kosma(Kosmaceratops) another vivosaur of mine who’s remained virtually unchanged over the years. Only 6 vivosaurs are left, and the entire collection of 100 will be finished on the last day of April

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Dino medal for Via (Viavenator) I’ve been trying to incorporate a lot of diversity in my designs, and it feels good to use predominantly green for a change. It’s my least favorite color to use, but that makes it all the more satisfying when I get it right.

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Dino medal for Camero (Cameroceras) I wanted to create another ammonite that’s an earth type, and even though Cameroceras is a bit different from the ones we have in Fossil Fighters Champions it’s just such an iconic animal that I couldn’t resist.

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Dino medal for Stegas (Stegoceras) a super small Pachycephalosaur, I had a lot of fun coming up with this color palette. I like to think of him as a super minature fun-sized Pachy.

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Dino medal for Draco (Dracorex) With a real life name as cool sounding as this (dragon king) I knew I had to make some enhancements to my old design. Draco has a deadly but cheap poison skill, so you’ll have to take advantage of his low defense quickly.

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Dino medal for Embolo (Embolotherium) A little pal for Ardith, I absolutely love the shape of the plate on its head, definitely look up what this guy looks like in real life. The color scheme here also works really well for me

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Dino medal for Uinta (Uintatherium) A vivosaur similar to Brontoth and Elasmoth, Uinta has a variety of confusion skills. To reflect that, I wanted to give him as baffling a design as possible.

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Dino medals for Termino (Terminonatator) A super unique vivosaur that was really fun for me to make. Termino has the special Wild Card ability, which allows him to change his type at the start of every turn!

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Dino medal for Diablos (Diabloceratops) Another one of my oldest designs, I’ve noticed myself making many subtle changes over the years. I definitely think he works well as a fire type ceratopsian, Einio definitely needed a buddy

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Another charm WIP :) Duna Nichs, my angel!!

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Dino medal for Amplecto (Amplectobelua) Once again I’d like to thank for helping me in picking this one to use. Anomalo and him are the two oldest vivosaurs there are, so I definitely wanted to try and make Amplecto stand out visually

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Dino medal for Fosva: the legendary vivosaur who uses the power of fire and light. The only way to revive this ancient titan is to find the legendary golden Achillo skull, then infuse it with Ilítropia: the mythical jewel which gives Fosva his abilities.

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For today’s Dino medal I remastered one of my favorite vivosaurs of mine: Achillo (Achillobator) Tomorrow I’ll be posting my first legendary, who’s actually a bit related to Achillo in a special way.

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Dino medal for Jura (Juravenator) This little punk has some flashy colors as well as a fiery personality. Another classic of mine, there wasn’t much I wanted to change except for the lining on his back to look a bit more detailed

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Dino medal for Eurypto (Eurypterus) My home’s state fossil, I like to imagine that he’s a super big sweetheart, but can’t change his facial expression from the scowl you see before you 🥲 also gave him an almost alien-esque design

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