Giving each of the Primeape 'Morphs I made their own posts~ For each Like, I'll give a random fact about that respective Primeape!

~ Stanford Ghent, the Kanto Wrestling League General Manager.

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Designed a trio of Primeape over the past week [cuzI’vebeentryingtoShinyHuntaMankeyforDAYSnow]

left to right:
- Stanford Ghent, GM of the Wrestling League’s Kantonian Branch
- Gero, wayfarer & volunteer Park Ranger
- Brody Blitz, owner of an after-hours arcade & macrame hobbyist

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Wendy Red Star: American Progress at the Anderson Collection at Stanford. Inspired by her Apsáalooke (Crow) heritage.

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思わず (゚Д゚ノ)ノスゴィッ!!と声がでてしまいました。

とりあえずStanford 3Dをリトポしてみたのですが、ボタン1つでこのクオリティはホントに素晴らしい😍

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i just think stanford pines is the coolest dude ever. this show still makes me feel so many feelings :D

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Some quick expression & style practices/headshots of Rick and Stanford 🌌🌲

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Stanford prison experiment

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I lied I’m thinking about Stanford pines, have I ever told you guys how much I love that man /p
He’s just so :(((

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Character belongs to (in order):
danngrey, sellclownz, iiRainbowGameri, Mason_Stanford

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Stanford urine and richard trashmouth my boys

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Now he is back, hiding under the name Stanford, waiting for is long lost love Jhod to regain his memories and make amends


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And now for another but slightly less weird crossover!!

This was done with my good ol' pal :))

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