Zadkiel! I considered giving him green eyes because I think most fanart does, but colour dropper told me blue so he gets blue.

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Camael is kind of fun too. He was always oddly polite despite wanting to kill everyone.

Gotta sketch Zadkiel and the rest still, but nice to do some art once in awhile.

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If you asked me to pick a favourite wiseman who is not named Gabriel, I might say Raphael. I find his concept pretty fun. Also he has accidentally kicked my ass many times, so kudos.

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It's Haniel. This was a struggle because of art block, but here we go.

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I've decided what I'll do next. I might expand my UW Breathing series outside of Fire Emblem. Still finalizing some details, but I can say it'll involve Maria from Star Ocean, with her long blue-ish hair! \o/

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Myuria Tionysus from the Star Ocean: The Last Hope videogame.
Illustration by Twitter user Donburixxx.

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Hope I'm not too late to jump on the meme bandwagon

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This may be quickly thrown together, but I REALLY wanted to draw Albel on his Birthday. My apologies for if this looks sloppy as heck.

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Faltam 3 dias para o final de 2021!

25 anos atrás, Star Ocean foi lançado para o SNES. O jogo foi desenvolvido pela Tri-Ace e publicado pela Enix (agora Square Enix).

Star Ocean era Mass Effect antes do Mass Effect.

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Back with more in the Star Ocean Lingerie series, Myuria Tionysus~ Maybe Nel next, or Albel? 😈

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Wir sind ein bisschen spät dran, aber am 5.12.2019 feierte der bahnbrechende erste Teil der seine triumphale Rückkehr auf und 🌌

Erzählt uns eure Lieblingsmomente aus Star Ocean First Departure R, während wir sein 2-jähriges Jubiläum nachfeiern!

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I couldn't help myself, I went and coloured that Miki stamp style sketch. With Japanese and English text versions~

.... I want that Parfait. *Goes to make own sweets*

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Evelysse and Lenneth Valkyrie from Star Ocean: Anamnesis videogame.
Illustration by Akira Yasuda.

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In The Divine Force the key to aerial movement is this machine, named D.U.M.A.

D.U.M.A. can be found communicating with the characters. Perhaps it has some kind of will of its own…? 🤔

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I've been thinking about all the amazing series out there. Here are a few of my favourites.

What's your favorite series? Or even just single games like

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I couldn't resist! Elena by me!

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I'm glad there's a new Star Ocean game coming out. I really love Elena's design - the rest of the characters gotta grow on me a bit, haha.

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