"in the end,we all DIE
Why should I,even try
Gun in hand,my life shall end...

10 58

In the end, we all... DIE why should I, even try gun in hand, my life shall end MY SUFFERING SHALL BE KNOW FRIEND

2 15

guys i love jim hes so precios

6 27

It's that time again everyone. Looking for peeps to help out. Please DM me if you're interested. Either on Twitter or my Discord. DementedHD#1410

22 71

Alright my mouse.avi take or something

I’ll post his story later

6 30

decided to make some fan art of 's take on suicide mouse, Eternal Mouse.
i really enjoy the character so i wanted to just show my support for it with some fun fanart.

go support demented btw, his art is killer!

49 263

if sns mouse is called suicidemouse.avi, then this little guy will be called traumaboy.png...

2 5

W.I GF lol
(Although maybe someone before me drew a minus version of her. But at least I didn't see anyone draw her. So here it is)

2 17