It’s Spinel! Your new best friend 💖

5 15

spinel from the su movie!! 💔
aka a baby we must protect at all costs >:"0

4 38

soft looks, soft kids


19 69

“Gee it’s swell to finally meet her
O t h e r f r i e n d s”

(I love her so much help)

1 6

"Let's play another game this time I get to win
Lives on the line
Winner takes all
Ready or not


0 13

who am i? who am i? what are you even saying!

69 258

Lives on the line
Winner takes all
Ready or not

3 18

If you didn't already hate Pink Diamond by the end of the series, the movie was a contingency plan.

0 11

Your new best friend Spinel! ✨#StevenUniverseTheMovieSpoilers

7 36

also wip but i’m really bad at colors

27 174

The SU movie was a way too good and spinel is just great

0 4

More spinel cause DARN shes so gosh darn fun to draw 🤡

8 63