You can hear his haunting melody all over town - it’s the Trumpet Guy!

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If you’re feeling sick, he can probably help with that - it’s a Doctor!

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He’d like to buy that mushroom growing on top of your head for $50 - it’s the Healer!

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Earthbound! I beat earthbound on NSO weeks ago making it my second playthrough of the game. Still one of my favorite games of all time, I'm happy more people will be able to experience it. Hope you like this drawing!

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She’s in the know with a network of healers - it’s that Smiling Lady!

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She has some info about the Hospital for you, but if you forget she won’t mind - it’s that Little Old Lady!

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He’s being possessed by the spirit of the game developer - it’s Ruffini!

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You can buy, you can sell, just don’t waste their time - it’s The Drug Store merchants!

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He had a dream about you meeting a girl, so put in a good word for him if you can - it’s your Fedora Friend!

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He wants you to have his cap but don’t worry, he still has his helmet from practice - it’s that Helmet Kid!

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He’s still not sure why he always has to watch the entrance to the hideout - it’s the lookout!

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It’s glowing strangely - it’s the Mani-Mani Statue!

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He’s a photographic genius, if you don’t mind him saying so himself - it’s the Photographer!

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He’s a busy man and your dad owes him A LOT of money - it’s Aloysius Minch!

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