banana scandal kr spoiler //

“Can we stay together tomorrow, right? Even after this? You can’t leave me alone even if you wake up early tomorrow.. you have to stay by my side, uh?”

Taehwan thinking he’s acting pathetic side while Yeonwu thinks he’s the cutest I CRY

59 294

Banana scandal spoiler //

Taehwan: pretty pretty pretty... Yeonwu-ya can you called my name?
Yeonwu: since, when you like to cry a lot 🥺
Taehwan : I don't know... It's just because you are too pretty 🥺💕

OMFG bye I'm literally crying 😭💕

76 426

taehwan looked so happy I’m SAD

32 322

i would never trust anyone who'd think that the cold-hearted taehwan is way better than this soft taehwan

3 49


saw it yesterday and had the urge to draw him because I know Taehwan will look good in black 😎

(photo reference from , character from

38 383

the crying stain and crying face of taehwan 😭

0 11

so cuteee 😭 taehwan apologising to yeonwu for the mark he left on yeonwu's shirt from him crying and he doesn't stop crying yet 😂

0 16

They talked, Taehwan said he didn't want to meet Yeonwu again until his life was perfect and maybe Yeonwu would let him like him then. Yeonwu told Taehwan to say everything he wanted. T finally confessed how he felt from the beginning, then they both confessed again 😭

58 418

Banana Scandal S2 Latest Update spoiler ❗

Taehwan '' I won't ask anything from you ''

Yeonwoo '' Are you really gonna do that?

Taehwan '' no no i want you to love me one last time....i miss you i like you''

Yeonwoo '' Thank you for not giving up on me I like you too ''

0 16

banana scandal raws spoilers
yeonwu: "i felt a lot of emotions while liking taehwan. today for the first time, i thought he was lovely."

136 1095

i’m screaming and shaking!!! taehwan and yeonwu are officially boyfriends 🥺😭

571 4182

Banana Scandal S2Ep69

Yeonwu my man's comforting AND kissing Taehwan first in HIS home. Love this for my favs.


123 812

the way taehwan can sleep peacefully only with yeonwu by his side

20 133

So Taehwan lives in New York not Boston... was in town for a wedding
He met Emma for the day then he wants to leave so he doesn't run into Yeonwu because he's afraid of how Yeonwu would react. Yeonwu out with E/A and sees Taehwan and runs to him. Taehwan cries(finally) 🎉

31 211

“Is it… is it really you? I’m sorry, it’s just that it felt like a dream. I… I didn’t want to show you this side of myself…” 😭♥️

- Taehwan; Banana Scandal 2x68 {spoilers}

207 1093

Banana Scandal Taehwan/Yeonwu Initial Meetup Chapter 2-->Chapter 68

119 659

imagine if yeonwu didn’t turn his head, he would have missed taehwan omfg i’m crying

1 62

"I remember yeonwu's smell" nah I can't do this today taehwan and yeonwu 😭😭😭

72 553

banana scandal kr spoiler //

“Sorry, this feels like a dream… I didn’t want to show this side of me”

yeonwu spotted taehwan into the crowd and run to him and TAEHWAN GOT SO EMOTIONAL TO SEE HIM HE STARTED CRYING ON SPOT I CANNOT -

107 604

i’m crying 😭 yeonwu was the first one who approached taehwan

“the smell of yeonwu that i remember, it’s not a dream”

204 1522