It always stings a little when people talk about talent.
It’s not talent, it’s skill for which all of us artists work for!
Let us appreciate that instead of using an excuse 🙏

Left 2016 / Right 2022

23 255

2016 vs 2022

I used to get super frustrated because I 'wasn't good at art' and was jealous of people with 'talent.' Only in the last 3 years did I start to *really* focus on practicing fundamentals and start seeing a big improvement.

4 51

I wanna put my two cents in this too. Art is not about talent. Its the energy and dedication you are willing to put into it! I have dedicated and hyperfixated hours and days of my life to get to where I am now.

Heres a drawing from 2012 compared to my art now lol

3 36

Something I haven't shown in a long time, but I guess I'll join the trend too. Here's my

May 2013 ⏩ Feb 2022

2 11

I don't have talent.
Just practise

2016 2021

11 89

I have worked hard to reach this skill level. And still a lot of work ahead. Be persistent and you won't need any talent.
2017 vs 2022 ⏳

5 40

I like this hashtag

2017 vs 2022

5 30

2019 vs 2022. no one is magically 'born' with artistic talent. the number of people who are prodigies is a very small number. the only thing that stops you from becoming a better artist is yourself. pick up a pencil, and no matter what - never stop drawing.

4 24

no one is born with god given artistic talent. we chose to pick up a pencil and draw, worked for years to learn and grow and improve our craft.

2010 // 2022

3 9

There is no such thing as talent. It's all years of work put into it.

3 29

I don't believe in talent. There are hundreds and thousands of invested hours/efforts/ups and downs that are devalued by this word - talent. There is a passion for drawing that moves us forward. It's always about love which turns into a skill, and nothing more

2 20

8th grade vs last year. I've been drawing my whole life. When I was a teenager, I still couldn't draw at level of completion teenagers today can. Practice helped me improve. Drawing is similar to mathematics in that you can get very far without natural talent.

2 21

2019 vs 2022

The two drawings on the left were from my first year as an artist, while the two on the right are from this year. Patience, persistence, hard work, self-criticism. Not just talent.

7 78

Honestly, I hate being called talented. Art is a skill and it's a skill I've practiced and honed for over 20+ years. Passion drives me, not talent.
Anyone can draw, if you have the drive to learn and the patience to grow
2007 vs 2022

5 29

I have heard many times from people that my ability to draw is a talent, and not my own skill that I have been sitting for years and working out day after day.
it's not a talent.

12 168

I been an mouse user since i started last year.,never expected to actually pay attention and learn something new everyday.

21 59

Looking back at the amazing winning entries of the Fan Art event back in September, when this lovely community displayed so much creativity and talent. 🥂

Might be time for another art contest soon?!



19 48

Perhaps a comment will satisfy the algorithmic deities - so I shall leave one with some amazing art by two awesome and very real artists - and . Both of whom deserve far more attention than they get for their talent.

1 3

Beyond proud of this piece I just picked up by
You are real one, packed with talent.
We are wrecking this bear with talent like this. Fckin fire 🔥

1 10