Gatito Maravilha - Nerd and Popular au! (Ok K.O Style) 4/?

Tec e Douglas são do clube de literatura, são aquelas pessoas que são bem focados sagas de livros famosos, sem contar o Tec como escritor de fanfics e o Doug como mestre de RPG.

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Love this variant cover by Jim Lee for tec it's evocative, it's haunting, it's darkness and fear all wrapped up in one creature of the night. Bruce seems to have been literally swallowed and be part of it

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. 『東工大のマスコット、テックちゃんのねんどろいど)』
(Tokyo Tech's mascot, Tec-chan's Nendoroido))

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Um presentinho para o

Tec eu fiz esse desenho o mais rápido possível, desculpa por ter atrasado.

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Um.. she did. In Gotham Knights, Batgirl Vol. 2, and near the end of Tynion's Tec Rebirth run.

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Feliz aniversário Tec!!!

Desejo a você uma vida muito abençoada e cheia de alegria! Que seus sonhos se realizem e que tenha um futuro próspero.

Você é demais gatinho anjinho! Te amo muito amiguinho! ♥♥♥

Desculpa o atraso. Viu?

9 24

Hehe! Thank you bucko!!!
I’ve started opening my gifts but so far all I found is robot liberator parts and vault-tec box shells! :P

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happy birthday TEC 🐱 🎉🎉!!!

I made you this quick drawing because I forgot the date😭

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[OC] Tec. Please like, share, and retweet, it would mean the world to me!

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我が家の円盤コレクション/ TEC

⑰ ガンダムオリジン



0 13 / TEC (なかむら) Ti Amo ☆ツ●ステッドワンダーランド

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Um mega copilado de fanarts do alex com:ALEX.EXE,ALEX NO SHOPPING 3,MAJIN GENO E GENO E ALEX NA TEC TOY

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Je sais que j'en parle en retard mais j'ai enfin fait CellMax et beaucoup parle de la difficulté mais en réalité le Boss est aussi dur et RNG que le ESBR EXTREME TEC à l'époque. Sauf que là la nécessité d'accomplir le niveau est moindre. Je comprends mieux la difficulté

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Bienvenidos de la Liga de No Fanarts, donde están mis OC que han aparecido mínimo una vez en TEC desde 2021 digitalmente, y que no les han hecho nadie ningún fanart, ¡bienvenido teniente!

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a Trish!!!!! La amante de la moda (y medio enojona) cumple años el 25 de este mes, así que le di esto, aquí está un regalo por parte de todo TEC para Trish, que disfrute ella, lo que contiene ahí.

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if you get lucky, your parasite may be the perfect companion to your TEC NFT ✨

Parasite Freemint coming soon 👁️

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How can this get any better? Oh, they're bringing Father Valley into this (from Ram's Catwoman run?!). Wait there's a Tec Knight variant too by Alvaro Martinez?! Whoa. Also eep that's a lot of Cass on the variants this month.

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