We're also happy to announce that we've finished all the 100+ CGs needed for Here's a bonus from Ch7!

13 33

Happy Lunar New Year, gang! May this be a blessed and prosperous year for everyone (like Isabella's)!

8 16

gang wishes you all a happy holiday season!

We've had another blessed year because of you guys! Thank you so much! <3

14 34

August Double Update for Another long read, but this is an important update. https://t.co/c3Ee4Gu43v

5 17

'Letter's Goodbye', main theme, will be performed by none other than the wonderful !

20 113

Because we love y'all, here's another spoiler-free CG from Mother-hen!Becca is at it again!

8 21

I'm seriously worried that Teofilo might know a bit too much...

6 12