Orlanda "Land" Line is a journalist looking for a senator's missing aide. But she got too close, and now she's discovered an even worse secret: A universe designed for murder, where political enemies are left to fend against a race of deadly robots...

1 6

Ingress Adventuring Company is a small questing service run by an eccentric wizard with a penchant for making problems for himself. When his past comes back to haunt him, he must face his ghosts to protect the people closest to him.

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The Shadow Prophet is a dystopian mindgame following Itshou's fight against a perfectionist cult-like police state and navigating the truths and lies of her loved ones. But it's tough to follow your own voice when you've only been taught to obey those of others.

10 52

What great timing for

Heir to the Bones is my weekly fantasy comic about a young wizard - who isn't quite what they seem - discovering the truths about their past, and hopefully making some friends along the way.

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hey there its time to Spellbound Woods! This is a fantasy adventure with some mystery about a kid named Kato who has to break a curse in a forest, with the ever unhelpful Casino!! by their side.

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A dark fantasy drama
In another world, a young girl named Knell has been living a troubled life, but finds comfort and protection from an unexpected source - the town necromancer Devere Berrick.

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The Devil's Trill
A Victorian horror romance
Miriam Pierce is ostracized by her family due to a terrible past event, but soon finds solace with the eccentric French violinist, Florian Doré, but he is a man with dark secrets of his own.

5 11

do you like pirates? body horror? homosexuals? fish that look at you funny? well, climb aboard and get ready to get scurvy with In Blood and Brine 🐟#meetthewebcomic

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Oh, it's day? Well check out the Sparrow! It's like Percy Jackson meets the X-Men (but more gay!)


4 12

hey, hello!

Meet Side Quested, the new webcomic by yours truly and

This is a recent launch, so I can't say much without spoiling... But meet Charlie and Peony in a quest (not theirs) to... Save a princess?

Oh, and dragons?


16 37

Happy day!

Corvid's Eye is a story about 20 y/o nonbinary Ike, who wakes up in a world they don't recognise, an entire life lost to amnesia and with a name that may or may not be theirs - and yet the real trouble doesn't begin until the sun sets

6 17

It's time for Do you enjoy stories with found families, DnD vibes, and lots of queer characters? Then let me tell you about The Broken Ones!

7 15

Now, say that you had a direct hand in the path of history, watching society try to adapt to superpowers, and knowing that your actions could somehow have consequences you'll never see coming:
How much time do you spend hanging out with your boyfriend instead

1 2

Well hello there

If you'd like to read a slow-burn romance about complex characters and their adventures set in a world filled with magic and mystery, read my new webcomic, Llost!

9 16

Nearly 4 years old (anniversary in a week) ongoing BL comic for mature audience

2 1

It's day! Time for me to ramble shamelessly about my comic Castoff!

Read at https://t.co/FIGZNM6ZQw!

...or subscribe on Tapas (https://t.co/v28fT8r66r) or Webtoon (https://t.co/WINhFmCM8n), if you use those platforms!

35 71

Ariana is on a quest to find the Great Tree, but this epic journey has taken plenty of wrong turns! She’s made friends and enemies, got maps and lost maps, and had some close scrapes; but with a clear path finally ahead of her - it’s the Great Tree or Bust!

10 16

So it looks like today is day! So here's my webcomic!

6 17

oh hey it's day!

Maggie, a reluctant assassin-in-training, has a crush on Jolene, an exhausted cleric. Unfortunately, Maggie's parents want Jolene dead.


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