Storyteller. Thorin and Bilbo curling up with a good book.

18 61

Wanna play Shag—Marry—Cliffs?

Please cast your vote here or on the blog. Round 4 is now open for voting. Also, check the results for Round 3 if you’re curious...

3 30

The word was a real nightmare to think about. And then I rewatched and noticed this small scene from the
and take a chariot pulled by goats to protect their

1 3

Happy ! Here is a digital painting of from I finished a couple weeks ago :)

0 1

the Sexiest Dwarven King Under The Mountain in Erebor, in Middle Earth 👑 but also the most loyal to his people and loved ones. The only leader we'll follow forever until the end. Never imagined Thorin this way before. Thank you so much, Mr

9 29