¡Ya apuntan que veremos al Vacío el lado oscuro del Vigía en la película de los Thunderbolts!

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映画『鬼滅の刃 上弦集結、そして刀鍛冶の里へ』声優、上弦の壱が置鮎さん(2代目サガ)、肆が古川さん(タナトス·ベレニケ·モア)、刀鍛冶の里長が屋良さん(アイオロス·トール)。無惨が関さん(フェンリル·2代目ミロ)で聖闘士星矢を、伍は鳥海浩輔さんで参の石田さんとThunderbolt Fantasyを思い出した。

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虚淵氏原案•脚本での個人的オススメ作「Thunderbolt Fantasy 東離劍遊紀」めちゃくちゃ面白いのでぜひ観て欲しい。台湾の人形劇×武侠ファンタジー×虚淵っていう組み合わせが本当に面白い。アニメというより特撮に近いアクションシーンは爆破あり、血飛沫ありで迫力があって一見価値あり

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Really miss the egg bosses. Mostly Cassia, Clove, Thunderbolt, and Conquering Storm , Plus I do enjoy Whipser as well https://t.co/MBPByPYt7c

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MS Gundam Thunderbolt Side Story: Sean the Sand Rat has some interesting designs.

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The MAM-07 Grublo (Thunderbolt Ver.)

Reading the manga now but it doesn't look like it's updated. Does anyone know a website where I can get the latest updates?

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in you say? Here's a throwback to this concept from a while back ⚡... 👀

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For the record? This is just another shitpostin and shouldn’t be taken too seriously. XDD

Starline and Thunderbolt are not impressed.. LMAO.

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In our new video about Legendary Pokemon, we talked about Thunderbolt Mew. The Pokemon Company never released its digital art -- it was only seen on rare merchandise. So we commissioned to trace the merch. Here it is if you wanna use it.

Official merch • Fan tracing

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Seeing folks complain about the Thunderbolts lineup again. I’m so old I remember people complaining about this being the Guardians of the Galaxy. Looking forward to all of y’all being proven wrong again.

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Thunderbolt guntank sweep

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Thunderbolt the Chinchilla
I miss this Eggman fangirl so much:

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