Art Inspiration For Today: Simply Red by Tara Hutton, digital art, Genre: Graphic Art, Art Deco, 2022

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Art Inspiration For Today: La Llamada (The Call) by Remedios Varo (Spanish), oil on canvas, genre: Surrealism, 1961

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Art Inspiration For Today: The Umbrella by Marie Bashkirtseff (Russian), oil on canvas, genre: Academic Art, 1883

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Art Inspiration For Today: Autumn by John White Alexander (American), oil on canvas, genre: Symbolism, Portraiture, 1904

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☀️ she looked like a mirage in the summer sun as i saw her in my minds eye, yall better be looking with only respect 🫡 💀 WHAT COLOR ARE HER GLASSES HM??🤨

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★#民商Getinspiration ★民商・全商連が 北海道エリアの をラジオで応援!『民商Getinspiration』は毎週金曜14時~14時10分、「READY TO GO!」内でオンエア!道内で活躍する経営者やフリーランスの方に「ひらめいた」瞬間のストーリーを伺います…!お聴き逃しなく!#rtg

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★#民商Getinspiration ★民商・全商連が 北海道エリアの をラジオで応援!『民商Getinspiration』は毎週金曜14時~14時10分、「READY TO GO!」内でオンエア!道内で活躍する経営者やフリーランスの方に「ひらめいた」瞬間のストーリーを伺います…!お聴き逃しなく!#rtg

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