All things end, and every step you take, whatever direction you may choose, only brings you closer to it.

80 243

decided to do the with Jon from :') i think i went a little hard on that but i love it hgsdsjd

5 16

I love martin so much!!! He's such a bitch and I love him, also glad to know the end is doing fine for itself was worried for a second lol

17 78

Fun fact! (It’s not fun)
This card is the only one with a different name on the reverse side, going from The Archive to His Archive

5 23

I am Well Aware Fiona does’t faint on command but imagine…. what a power move

121 320

I loved getting fed that sweet sweet new information about the archives during Gertrude's era in this week's episode, also I am very worried for Jon

55 152

Someone on tumblr just tagged this as “what is your problem op” and you know what that’s fair

3 13

MURDER BUDDIES!!! AKA Two Of My Favorite Characters Become BFFS

43 112


Martin getting texted by Annabell Cane

14 45

I love Martin so much!!
this weeks episode was v good I love seeing that even in this new world worms still serve an important role :))))

35 135

this episode has finally cemented this dynamic. Martin is rude now and I love him all the more.

12 52