Here's Aliah again!
I did him recently, but, I didn't like it.
So here's another one.
I also don't think I like this one as much as I thought either.
Boy is hard to draw for some reason! >8T

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Areli, my lil dorky space alien adventurer.
I liked this one a lot at first, but, looking at it again I'm not sure if I like it. >8T
I dunno, I'll have to look at it again later... Lol

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This is Blair. Angry gay punk twink boi.
He's pretty, but, he'll break your face. 8'>

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Not sure if I am happy with this one either... but, it'll do for now.
Cerio is a revamp of another old character, I was thinking of putting him in my fantasy story but I am not sure yet. :O

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This is an OLD OLD character and this is OLD OLD art I finally colored so he can have a nice colored icon for his ToyHouse. XD

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This is Asbjorn and he is an elder vampire.
A somewhat-antagonist in my vampire/werewolf story I still don't have a title for. :D

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funee art friday da 'oh noez i'm scared' da third!
art done by: algaeghost, krilley, sakaruchibi and toastieTV (1/3)

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This is Angelina and she's the partner of Caleb, a paranormal investigator. She's the tech guy.
I don't like how she came out tho, so, I am probably gonna redraw her again. Lol

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And this is Ariel, she is the Angel of Nature in my angel/demon story The Time Without Light.
I adopted the design from CaptainBasch @ ToyHouse

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colorful art train!!✨I don't really have much as you can tell. <':

(toastie! thank you for tagging me!! 💗💗)
tags: and anyone who wants to join =^=!✨

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Becky is an old ass character that never really went anywhere. She was like, a biker chick? I think??? Now I am gonna throw her in my zombie apocalypse story, Dead By Nature. :D

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This is Eloi he is a superhero character from my story Existential Risk: Superhumans.
He has the power of probability manipulation and his CODE NAME is Chance. :D

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Random attacks i’ve done for Art Fight! , wrexie , comatoastie and volcanicnettle

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This is a REALLY OLD PIECE but I took it into Procreate and fixed it up and threw color on him.
This is Cory and he's a cute little dumb Pokemon Trainer!

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I drew this a while back and finally threw some color on him.
This is Belial, one of the antagonists with my angel/demon story, The Time Without Light. |D

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Portrait Sketch Badges for Hook, Katbat, Nethartic and Toastie!

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I drew this boy ages ago and finally threw some color on him.
He's a really bright boy and his name is Bently!
He's buddies with Clyde, whom I should also probably redraw.
They're just both doggy bad boys who are very sparkledog furries. XD

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Here's Alan. He is a dumb jock with a heart of gold.
I drew a bunch of heads of OCs that needed new updated art on my ToyHouse.

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Here's some color on my salmonberry-colored fairy boy, Cerise!
I drew a bunch of heads of OCs that needed new updated art on my ToyHouse.

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