Turtle tots content for yall! They all understand how Donnie is with thunder, so they try their best to make him feel better 💜

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Turtle tots nap time. Leo and Raph needed their 'aminal' onesies to let go of their 'sportsball' play time ⚽️🏈

(Also including my turtle tot OCs, Emmy and Otto, and my sona unicorn!)

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Bon cap de setmana amics!! a l'acudit d'avui del , fins que ja no calgui. Gràcies a tots els que treballeu per aconseguir-ho 💙

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Hey moots can I interest you in some turtle tots?? *wiggles sharpie eyebrows*

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misc family au thing- it took drax a while to b comfortable pickin up the tots even when they got bigger he would always b cautious

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Part 5 of the family au! i dont think drax realizes the tots are like 1-4 year olds, of course theyre small

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this has definitely been said and done before but euherghhh i could never be (ready) from steven universe but with splinter and the turtle tots

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A la Fundació Antoni Tàpies

Tots els DIUMENGES de novembre del 2022

Visita comentada a les exposicions vigents d'Antoni Tàpies i Bruce Conner i vermut a la terrassa del museu. Amb la col·laboració de Morro Fi.

+ info https://t.co/v2tz4DC74e

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Aprofito el fil per donar les gràcies als que van donar un cop d’ull al guió d'en Guifré: la Laura de Castellet i en Jordi Sagrera (a través d’en Pere Castanyer) Curiosament, tots dos són a més excel·lents il·lustradors!

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Draxum from the family au with the tots: (warning these menaces bite, they’re all teething)

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tried dad and his lil turtle tots (designs inspired by )

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Pokémon 8: Shiny Chatot ♀️
Nickname: Tots
Ability: keen eye
Moves: Chatter, Roleplay, boomburst, mimic

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Are you gonna eat your tots

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