Hey there. How about some new trade art? Deal? Deal. As I said this is a custom for trade for UwU

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Будет серия хумок по жевачкам. Стиморол - Стим.

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У меня новый скетчбук и я его конечно обновила)))

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Some more trade art i did for a user on discord sorry for the smoke effect being funky twitter doesn't like transparebt photos

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~ Trade-art with the lovely I did her oc on the left and she did my boy on the right <3

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Here is some trade art for of their characters <3 please check them out too they do amazing art!

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Yes, another trade. Yes, from my VKontakte community. Yes, its cute snake. Enjoy.

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Well hello again, Twitter. How are you today? No subs, no retweets again, no working tags, right? Okay. Fine. Just look at this lovely cat that I drew to trade in my VKontakte community. :3

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y yo hicimos el
Ella me hizo a mi bebe Elaine en tradicional (😭💜que bonita le ha quedado) Y yo le he hecho este a digital


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