Yo yo yo, my name is codetrillogy/codesonicthehedgehog, i am an artist who draws some sonic, and some other stuff, i can draw comic art and concept art, and Ive done some environmental stuff too. stick around and follow me, im sure you'll love my work.

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Ti serberò una nota tutta tua sullo spartito
Unirò alle sue compagne il vento e il trillo di una fata
Lo schiocco ardito del bacio di un amante
Sarà un valzer tra i fiori e gli arabeschi
Cullerà i sorrisi dimenticati tra i tuoi seni🌹

7 15

"Attention Employees! This is your Vice President of Bload Corp, Al Gonzato, on the right here. To the left is the CEO and Boss Lion of Bload Corp, Elliot Bload ()! Work hard, continue to grow and make us trillons more!"
This amazing work was done by

7 31

A few of today’s notable baseball birthdays: Pud Galvin, Manny Trillo, Rick Renteria, Nellie Fox

2 20

Ay jo me alegro, porque temía que los personajes me quedasen cutrillos la verdad.
Mil gracias Kumi!

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Self Portrait with Family
(André Utter, Madeleine Valadon and Maurice Utrillo (1910)

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I've been wanting to get a 3D printer just so I can make custom skins for my Switch. Using these characters
I still ship Rumble and Kled
Dillon's rolling western trillogy needs to come to switch
I main Wrestlers in FGs
Outbreak is the best resident evil game

1 13

Hoy es el cumpleaños del gran dibujante . autor junto al inolvidable Carlos Trillo de obras tan estupendas como "El loco Chavez", "Las puertitas del Sr López", "Tragaperras" o "El último recreo".


8 27

Oficialmente, esta es la nueva imagen del canal, con mis gafitas y todo 💜

Mil trillones de gracias a por el trabajazo que se ha dado y por el cariño que le dedica a todo 💜🎁

3 12

he intentado hacer un autorretrato cutrillo, a ver lo que dura u.u (es que no podía seguir viendo a la calabacita 🥺)

1 10

Check it out — "Free letterform design template" ... illustrator and graphic designer Daniel Castrillon shares a fanciful design to which you can add your own lettering: https://t.co/ifLBZWp61f

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Maurice Utrillo
Мулен де ла Галет,Монмартр.1951

4 21

Maurice Utrillo
Парижская улица.1914
Художественный институт,Чикаго

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Riah(L), Trilloughby(R), Pix(BL), and Finn(BR)

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Ingeniero, pintor, decorador, crítico y promotor artístico, Miquel Utrillo apostó por para una exposición en No es extraño, pues, que el artista le dedicara este retrato que forma parte de la colección del

3 21

poiché non esistono due individui perfettamente uguali, ci sarà una sola determinata donna che corrisponderà nel modo più perfetto ad un determinatouomo. La vera passione d'amore è tanto rara quanto il caso che quei due s'incontrino.

Maurice Utrillo, Paris Street

5 16

Me han dado AMARRILLO trillo 🍋💛⚡️⭐️💫 Fav y te doy un color https://t.co/iQKAheVDSq

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