The Royal Guards are having a very bad day.

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Screencaps don't properly display how badass Kihel looks as she defends herself against Teteth!

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Harry, you poor fool. You'll regret yelling at your queen like that!

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The moral of this story is don't swap your clothes with a lookalike that you just met, especially if you're a political figure!

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Miran's such a pain in the ass.

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Poor little Not-GM didn't stand a chance against the Not-Zakus.

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Lily Borjarno here to add insult to injury.

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It's time to move on from those who are long gone... 😢

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Keep an eye on these two from this point on―you won't regret it!

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And that concludes this week's for me. The next several eps (save for 16, lol) are even heavier, can't wait till we get to them!

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Sochie, how rude! Be glad Harry doesn't smack your Kapool around too!

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Seriously, Will, can't you wait until he's done beating up all the No-Zakus?

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Poe is fully aware of her incompetence, though I'm sure that doesn't stop most people from hating her.

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Teteth has issues. Also, Loran has been spared this time from yet another crotch injury.

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Money won't save you now, rich boy.

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This scene... it's only the beginning of the spiritual journey we'll be taken on by Dianna and Kihel.

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I find it a bit disturbing that neither Sochie nor Mrs. Heim can tell their sister/daughter is being impersonated by someone else.

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More trivia: the phrase that Dianna often says, "Yoshinani," is almost if not more of a meme than "UNIVERSE!" is in the JP fandom.

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