Sakura Wars Trivia The original Sakura Wars main character designer, Kōsuke Fujishima, was also known for illustrating other manga and video games such as You're Under Arrest, Oh My Goddess!, and Tales of Vesperia (5/5)

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I was tasked to do a painting in the style of Takeji Fujishima a Japanese painter who focused on the western painting styles of Europe.
This one is supposed to mimic his "6 Themes of Music" series, and I just referenced my mum.
His other works are much more detailed.

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Kosuke Fujishima has always been an inspiration for my retro 90s style. I started off more with em before checking out others.

So here's PROBABLY first in the series I might do from time to time -

Nazrin. After I do several pilots - their Koubu when I'm better at shapes...

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janai from tdp: luv her...
alvin from xillia: Yes i just really like kosuke fujishimas character designs
dominique de sade from vanitas no carte: what more must i say
legretta from abyss's first design: Woman Hot

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Main Characters - Sakura Wars (1996)

Artist: Kosuke Fujishima

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Kōsuke Fujishima si c'est bien lui

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L’illustration officielle du 【 Wonder Festival 2020上海[Shanghai]】 de Wonda-chan et Reset-chan a été dévoilée.

※Illustrateur : Fujishima Kōsuke
※WF2020上海 : 04/04 - 05/04/2020

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Ah! My Goddess by Kōsuke Fujishima - audio cassette label

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Belldandy from Ah! My Goddess illustrated by Kōsuke Fujishima (Anime KC - vol.1, 1993)

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I have to admit even though Sorey is probably my least favorite Tales protagonist, he arguably has my favorite design for any of the main characters designed by Kosuke Fujishima. Maybe Yuri is a bit better but both of them are my favorites drawn by Fujishima

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shinguuji sakura by fujishima kousuke

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The artist I used to copy the most as a kid! Kosuke Fujishima /ah! My goddess

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Time for some scans~
Iris Chateaubriand character concept art.
From Sakura Taisen I-V Kosuke Fujishima Character Works

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Drizzling rain at Ukimido.
Fujishima Takeji, ca. 1950s.

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The Negoro Pagoda of Mount Koya by Fujishima Takeji, 1940

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I really love kosuke fujishima's style, it's so harmonious, with soft colors and full of details

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The news on Project Sakura Wars made me excited! I'm going to miss Fujishima's art but I'm warming up to Kubo's design. Here I drew frilled ninja girl Azami Mochizuki.

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I’m sorry I can’t agree, I don’t get tired of Fujishima’s designs. He’s part of the reason this series even interests me. I don’t see what you’re saying about the outfits either, they’re pretty different. A similar aesthetic, but not slightly altered.

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explaining this series to my friends who had never heard it before, and I'm pretty sure all girls who grew up on this franchise are queer now, look at the butches Fujishima gifted us

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