Seven things I want in
7. Goku and Vegeta are not the main focus
6. Pan becomes The Great Saiyagirl
5. Marron has character development
4. Bulla shown to be as smart as Bulma
3. Uub shows up
2. Goten and Trunks are older
1. Pan FINALLY goes Super Saiyan

2 9

V-Jump Leaks Dokkan and Legends!

DB Legends : Majin Uub joins Dragon Ball Legends!
Ginyu Zenkai coming!

Dokkan Battle :
Vegeta Battle Rush Event coming like the Goku Rush Event i think.

37 485

Goku se bat pour protéger ce qu'il a de plus cher, mais ça ne l'empêche pas de vibrer pendant ses combats de part sa passion du combat saiyan. Quand Goku veut se battre UNIQUEMENT par excitation du combat c'est quand la menace est minime ou inexistante (Uub) contrairement à DBS

0 2

🇫🇷 Uub est-il capable de surpasser Goku ?
🇬🇧 Can Uub surpass Goku ?
🇪🇸 ¿Podrá Uub sobrepasar Goku?
🇮🇹 Ub potrebbe essere più forte di Goku?


15 135

🇫🇷 La fierté du maître
🇬🇧 The master is proud
🇪🇸 El orgullo del maestro
🇮🇹 L'orgoglio del maestro

7 89

Dragonball super Manga spoiler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What if Uub is the unexpected character in the new movie, he was already introduced in the

2 5

Goku and Uub Story OR introduce the Buddha(alien race of enlightened beings)

1 4

-Dealing with her has always been difficult, especially now. Nemari is very stubborn, no matter how hurt she is, she never gives up on a goal, even if it costs a high price... -Uub

I wanted to improve an old art by Nema and there it is.

2 17

I think Goku and Uub should train after Goku goes above UI.
And Then let vegeta at same time train cabba

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