La idea para este dibujo la obtuve de
ishouldvebeen en tiktok <3

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Orb Of Light Fractal Art

All empires are ruled with symbols of power, very few though actually yield more than symbols but an actual objects of power is a rare thing and when one is believed to havebeen found those seeking power will do anything to

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oh right right art dumps, uhhhhh Ivebeenslackingsorry

just managed to get these 2 out, I'll draw more I swearrr

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BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH! Notable in Rome as a deadline to settle debts, it became notorious after Julius Caesar was assassinated 44 BC, having scoffed at a seer who'd warned him of impending harm: "The Ides of March are come!" "Aye, Caesar; but not gone."

4 2

i havebeen very busy but take some doodels

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okay, let's see when ishimaru havebeen colored-
left or right? full HD already on my fanbox [include color line temperature "warm"] + my pixiv

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recently finished re-listening to Ilovebees, huntthetruth, watched all the halo 5 trailers, read that one comic from the graphic novel and all I want is that vibe back 😭

I miss the god tier marketing
official art:

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No idea where to post these .. Quick sketches for oc ideas that i'vebeen thinking of recently ^^

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We are all Bernie today and these memes are really cheering me up!

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