What to do when you have the flu? Paint Kuro, apparently. At least that's what Renate Meyer from Trondheim did. I love the vibrancy and the sense of urgency in her lines. Have a wonderful weekend guys, and remember to look up at the sky <3

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Girl, snap out of it, you need to tend to those wounds! Kicking off this year's fanart with a gorgeous shot of Hirka and Rime. Digital art by 18-year-old Sandra Mattsson from Sweden ()

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Love those lips! Skerri from by 17-year-old Sandra Mattsson from Sweden.

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Hirka, in painstaking detail by Meli Rothberg from Sweden. Don't want to know how long that sweater took ...

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Tweaking the art style slightly to add outlines and lighting effects to Havenrise

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