I swear I'm not dead- been very busy recently and haven't had the time to draw, but FINALLY here's a W.I.P of my demon-sona :D

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my new *and favorite* book cover illustration 🌿 моя новая *и уже любимая* иллюстрация для книжной обложки 🌿

~помогают ли вообще хэштеги?

4 21

More emotes because I clearly have an emote addiction...🤣

Huge thanks to https://t.co/4LCT3ubuct for the fantastic and speedy work!

3 14

Another emote, more smugness, more slots on Twitch needed 😅

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The perpetual void is ever-expanding, is there meaning to anything we strive to do, can we as abstruse individuals fully accomplish all of our goals, or will the ceaseless bar always be raised so we never fully achieve catharsis?

Man, this drink do be bussin though

10 61

浄土宗の「季刊 かるな」秋号の表紙イラストを担当しました。


3 102

Aurtengo GAKOAK urtekariaren azala egiteko aukera izan dut! Aldizkari berezi hau gai bakarraren bueltan ardaztu da aurten: Burujabetzak.


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Strangely it looks good with and without horns.
And by the way here is a little gift from the talented @.AlukeArt ♪(✿◡‿◡)

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TW// Gore + Blood!

Darcy is done! She may look relaxed now, but she's still a force to be reckoned with :)

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Your History professor seems a little off today, you can't tell what, but something is different about him...Maybe you could ask him after class?

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