Pan & Taurus
Avidae (species by Axjaxx)

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saw we were posting our twst ocs so here’s my girl Aurelia!! she’s a huge sleeping beauty kinnie who may or may not have a crush on Malleus (art credit: @/royalcervidae and @/demonfvcker_art)

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Abandona tu celular y limpia...Sasageyo.📵🚮⚔️♿💕✨
Dicen que mi esposo se parece a Levi... Porque no lo han visto bien XD se parece más a Dross, pero su encanto es único. 😍

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Estaba viendo su stream doña y trate de aprender a pintar pero me perdi en un punto y me quedo asi xd

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¡ La vida te ha regalado un nuevo día, llénalo de color ! 💐

¡ Feliz Miércoles! 🧡💛❤️

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Me hace especial ilusión las ilustraciones que realizo para la gente que quiero, y a este par, ni os cuento…

Feliz cumpleaños, mis queridísimas Trini y Marta!!

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I shall give you Vidae!

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Hiya! I’m Peachy! I am a vulpes Cevidae vtuber! Despite most people thinking I’m a jackalope ;w; Nice to meet you though!

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No vivas del pasado
La vida es hoy .. 💙

¡ Feliz lunes ! 💐

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There are a few purple corvidae in our fandom now, and they're very lovely. (No bias. 💜)
But I have always had one distinct feature...

My fwingers.
My flappy-bappers!
My digital flight instruments~

(Also male genitalia. Sorry friends, but there is no female version of Cor.)

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C is for CORVIDAE!!! AKA The Best Birds! 🐦

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decided to expand on Corvidae some more. Clair's gonna be the resident engineer on Kern's team, and Volume's a screamo goon for the bbeg

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Magnolia Corvidae's Commission for Thank you very much again <3

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Uranus (Ori) (it’s pronounced the original way our-an-os)

Wow wow another avidae ! I can’t sto

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