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Day 10 of #w8preview2018 - Revisit this piece on how to submit your manuscript to agents and publishers. Bryony Pearce explains how to write an attention-grabbing synopsis.
Day 7 of #w8preview2018 - Have you ever wondered how to break the ice and get more audience participation at your illustrator event? Rita Lazaro, an artist and SCBWI member based in Bath, has some great ideas to get things started!
Day 4 of #w8preview2018 - What is creative non-fiction? Read up on this genre again in this article from Natascha Biebow's Picture Book Focus series.
“GHz Interview20” Dustvoxx https://t.co/AUnqjGAPA2 フレンチコア~ハードテックを中心に実験的かつユニークでダンサンブルな楽曲で注目を集める「Dustvoxx」のインタビューを公開!
Need an escape from the Christmas bustle? Here's @ProofreadingTip on vintage fonts.
170612 V LIVE 루키스테이지 #전지윤 #jiyoon #jenyer preview2
@4M_jiyoonitt @officialJenyer
세상에서 제일 잘난 우런니❤️❤️❤️❤️
Blue view2 #acrylicpainting #contemporaryart #Interiors
For sale £125 41cm x 59cm
k3 HP【COLUMN】更新! Interview25 気鋭のイラストレーター、アゴストン・パリンコについて。by Asa Takeuchi https://t.co/g6SFTGBBkV #AGOSTONPALINKO
5/18(水)に行われる企画展「Portfolio Review2016」の作品応募締め切りが5/11延期になりました。まだ応募できるチャンスです!学生の方は是非奮ってご応募ください!
The Europe Explosion! Vibrant artwork from Yann Kebbi for Review21- perfect for this Friday afternoon
Assassin’s Creed Rogue im Test. #acrogue #testa #review2014