Monsieur Bouhafs disait pouvoir nous "faire sauter rapido". Visiblement il a été moins "rapido" que nous.

64 530

FC Dragon Ball:

-Ils enculent tous les sondages

-Ils défendent plus Gohan que leur propre mère

-Leur argument N1? "DB est le papa du Shonen"

-Boudent quand on leur parle de scénario

-Aiment visiblement la sodomie vu qu’ils valident DBS

-DBS c’est du fanservice,admettez-le

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Le de ue qui visiblement n'est pas sur Twitter. C'est ballot !

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Visiblement, le gouvernement ne prend pas au sérieux l’Academie de médecine.:)

17 17

Visiblement son Hyporoi t'a pas marqué :P

0 8

Quien se atrevería a no creerle a este hombre visiblemente bien preparado y psicologicamente estable.

22 48

Visiblement tu envoie un tweet depuis ton smartphone

1 1

Bon ça fait quelques heures que j'essaie de dessiner mais visiblement ma motivation a dit non-

Donc je pense m'absenter un moment 😔

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Des petites recherches pour un futur projet (qui ne se fera que s'il trouve un éditeur !). Ça se passera visiblement au Canada...

0 5

It's been some time since I made chibi-art and I thought this was a cute idea, sooo... Lil' Midas with a Meowscles-Hoodie!! 😊💛✨

I hope you like it! :3c


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"See this? It's my fortune.. and my curse." ✨

I haven't been too happy with my art lately, but portraits are always pretty chill. 👀

So, once again, the golden boy! 💛


13 53

Hi I'm Faya
I'm also always tired. Let's also not forget depressed.
I work in tech and I freelance and vacations don't help me relax

0 1

Hi I'm Victoria (or Void)
Sometimes i'm fine and draw like on the first two, and then I'm all wrecked up and do weird stuff until it gets better
Working at a day job i didn't even want exhausted me so much that i had to sleep for 20 hrs

1 5

☆Question Time☆

Artists working full time jobs artistic or not... how do you motivate yourselves to art during your free time?

I definetly struggle to find balance!

Work/ Sleep/ Exercise/ Eating well/ Socializing/ Hobbies/ ART! How? 👀

9 52

Hi, I'm Cel, I do art stuff occasionally, trying to save up for ACNH and a new computer rn but is hard cause food is kind of a necessity of life

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