(i?? never??? posted this??? here?????)

anyways pls dont steal food from daichi

59 127

my part for for comifuro12
DN Angel is one of many other anime/manga i really love in my childhood

6 18

soft iwadai heals me :'> (/nsfw ish)

53 107

So apparently back in Mario Tennis 64, they debated on adding WaPeach and WaDaisy. But Miyamoto gave a hard NO(Doesn't wanna know what they'd look like.) Man I WANNA SEE IT SO ILL MAKE MY OWN. Also bonus Wario n Waluigi art.

15 40

I have to bolt in a few minutes but I had to draw this concept of what I feel "Wapeach" and "Wadaisy" should be. I'm up to talk about working with you guys about it, haha

208 818

this isn't how i wanted to posted it but welp HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DAICHI

32 97

iwadai soulmate+reincarnation au ;u;

45 73

wow i just realized i never posted my work for iwadai week here??? i swear i thought i did??? so im just going to... sneak some in....now...

28 64

Today I can drawing "Sasuke playing a Wadaiko".
The picture is finished.

0 7

also while i am here pls have some cuddly iwadais uvu

40 64

and ofc cant celebrate without drawing some sappy iwadai 😊

39 65

commissioned me to draw some good ol' iwadai, with A PUP <3 THANK YOU STEVIE!

29 44


14 46

Practicing anatomy earlier but it became iwadai summer scramble -- damnit

80 111