Chapter 2 - Page 20
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Otra posibilidad de origen de los Troll Brujos, es que sean Sacerdotes que rindan culto a Bwonsamdi, Loa custodio de los Lanzanegra, patrón de los muertos.

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We've finished up the campaign I was playing him in but I love him so much I'd probably go for my heartwarder paladin Bliss (art credit to catbatstudios)

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Chapter 2 - Page 18
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One the left is the outfit I wear at Momimani's house and on the right is the one I wear at Daddy's house. I can't wear a Kimono on the Warder's island cause the dragons might accidentally burn it :0

(Also the Kimono pic is from about 6 months ago)

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Chapter 2 - Page 17
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Chapter 2 - Page 16
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Chapter 2 - Page 15
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Chapter 2 - Page 14
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“I’m BACK!”
Watch Imani The Last Warder invoke Fire 🔥, Ice ❄️ and... a combination of the two(?)

uh oh... 😯💧

Congrats to on the 1k! Made this with you in mind! 😊❤️

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Chapter 2 - Page 12
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Chapter 2 - Page 11
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Chapter 2 - Page 10
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Chapter 2 - Page 9
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[Group Order] Tsukipro Cafe - April Month
Merch from previous may be available, please do not hesitate to ask.

Prices (see in replies) do not include intl shipping or forwarder fees!
Shipping from US.
Latest expected delivery date: Jun 2020, may arrive early as late May 2020.

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Chapter 2 - Page 7
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