My Hawaiian Butters HC.
What if Butters ACTUALLY was native Hawaiian?
I decided to draw him that way from now on, and tried to stay as close to his original design as possible but that's hard

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Ecoutez j'ai débatue HYPER longtemps avant de le faire Hawaiien ensuite j'ai dit fuck it maintenant il est Polynésien parce que j'ai décider.

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I decided to dedicate the entirety of 🏳️‍🌈#PrideMonth by drawing my favourite gay/lesbian ships from shows, and what better way to start it off then by one of my favourites. I decided to draw 💜#WendyTestaburger + ❤️#BebeStevens snuggling in bed with their jammies. 🤫

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This is probably my favourite drawing of Wendy I’ve ever done in my life as an artist. 👏Take it or leave it! 💜😮

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I drew for Ramadan this year and I’ll do it again this year. 💙💚💜❤️

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No he publicado nada desde hace mucho tiempo.
Y aprovechando que termine este dibujo que hice de Wendy con pelo corto,(que me costo mucho por estar echo en el celular),decidí compartillo aquí. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
Espero que les guste.💕

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Here’s Wendy and Bebe dancing to Sofia - Clairo. 💜❤️🎵

NOTE: Please refrain from thinking bad of me when I say that I enjoy shipping characters, but if you don’t like it, I’m sorry. Just be glad that I’m not supporting incest.

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