Шпынять и трогать Криса можно только Вескеру (и Джилл)

82 476


30 83

WIP, Wesker messed with Jill one too many times😤👊

2 20

he would kill me so fast irl I wouldn’t even be able to blink

20 84

An addition to my past fan art.
Each priest, in fact, has an angel and a demon sitting on his shoulders!

22 90

sometimes, when I look at fan art of blond haired white men wearing sunglasses, I can’t tell if it’s the corinthian, or wesker

Like which queer is this? Who knows

1 14

He looks like a cat when he smiles

35 150

ᚐAlbert Wesker - The Mercenaries 3Dᚐ
Normal and alternate costume

77 471

Wesker x Chris😉#ResidentEvil

114 454

Your pocket fellow bio terrorists

Умею же я тратить свою время и силы на какую-то чушь вместо чего-то полезного. Но я ничего не могу с собой поделать.

49 230


33 102