I'm fully prepared for Wiglett to have a Wigtrio evolution which is.. eh, but honestly I had to give an evo a shot.
Since Wiglett's ability is Gooey, I thought about Hagfish defenses. They're not an eel, but it inspired a gooey/sandy urn it uses to hop about

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Wiglett brings me so much joy :D

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Wiglett Evolution Concept (couldn't decide between plain, spots or stripes)

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I hope I’m not too late for Wiglett Wednesday (it’s Friday)!


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Wigglet is confused, Alolan Diglett is surprised, and Kantonian Diglett has stopped caring since Unova. Gonna focus these next few weeks on projects outside of my own by getting involved with others.

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So Wiglett is a Pokémon that exists uh

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This is exactly what was created for.🤣Giving it gooey/rattled as abilities doesn’t help much either… we should just forget the convergent debate and call these new Pokémon variants joke or meme Pokémon😂Thanks to & some others for this madness https://t.co/GEAfcLDB7s

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Wiglett, Quaxly, Cetitan and Klawf 🏖️ Welcome to the beaches of Paldea! ' v '

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Lil man makin Friends with Wiglett

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of course, the name and inspiration are based on Wiglett + Dugtrio + trident, the weapon used by god of the sea Poseidon

(the name is shorter in Japanese because JP Pokemon names have a six character limit; also it's pronounced "Dagutoraide")

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[OC] New evolution of Wiglett looks sick

(Posted by Gogan_Studios: https://t.co/Yx6pxbWfMN)

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"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Where the fear has gone. Only I will remain."

Silly drawing I did of our long friend Wiglett :D Hoping there's a Titan one and take it to a hostile, desert planet (ironic for a water type, lol)

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