He unexpectedly fell in love with an Exile traitor (my alt Brisenia) and both of them defected from their respective factions to join CoGS and raise their kid(s) in a neutral setting.

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Lowborn by his mother's caste and partly by choice, Ceonnath MacFianna nevertheless had a touch of Eldan blood from the Highborn lord his mother once worked for. She never talked about him much, though.

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…I also dressed Gwydion as Major Ocelot one time simply because I could.

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Gwydion was a low-level empath, an apprentice Chronicler, and very gay. Sadly, his primary crush couldn't get past the fact that he was 17 going on 18, and broke his heart.

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Emidia had even more need than most of my alts for fancy-A-F clothes. (I made a mockup using an alt and then recreated it at a later point.)

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Some of Agamemnius' outfits (including a mockup I assembled on Arayden).

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Though 100% straight, Arayden probably qualified as a metrosexual, since he always insisted on looking fabulous.

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He'd never admit it, but working for the Pioneering League on Nexus was WAY more fulfilling than seeing his face on billboards.

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was the first MMO to really fully captivate me. I was always so inspired to create when I played it, CONSTANTLY doodling and drawing. I am the artist I am today because of it and I have made lasting friendships from it. I miss it dearly.

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Unlike most of my alts, where their outfits sometimes ended up looking like a box of crayons melted on them, Telisaena always stuck to browns and grays in her costumes. Better for being sneaky!

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Teli's mom is a Chronicler and her dad is a rancher. (Yeah, that's right, HER PARENTS ARE ALIVE xD) She's got experience handling animals and knows lots of fun facts, though she doesn't have eidetic memory like her mother.

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Over the course of helping the Exiles settle on Nexus, Teli developed a secret crush on Deadeye Brightland, even with all the angst and man-pain. Oh wait, I guess it's not that secret anymore.

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I joined Wildstar 10/9/15 after seeing the cinematic trailer worked my hands off to buy a graphics card so I could play it! didnt play it as often as other folks but its left an impact on my art. Ive made a lot of goodies of Valil and stellar friends! 💜

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Some of Samaundra's outfits—she had all 12 slots filled in live.

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Siegfried Polaris the Cassian medic was the first human character I made, I think, back in beta. As you can see, he received some tweaks to his appearance over time.

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I think she was only a lieutenant in FCON IC-wise, but I don't remember. I levelled Soldier just so I could collect all the costume pieces. :V (and that first pic is her transformed into a dark rowsdower one Shade's Eve in Thayd)

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Pyrope Starbreaker (Granok warrior) was extra tough, extra thicc, and extra gay.

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Someday I'll actually draw character reference sheets of these outfits. ALL OF THEM.

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Monazite was a badass, and one time cleared out an entire Darkspur Cartel hideout by herself. But really, all she wanted to do was retire and run a little greasy-spoon restaurant.

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