Risa and Terry are having a double date with their friends, but Olivia isn’t coming along.

“Like, what kind of excuse is that?” - Short Comic - Close for Comfort

6 28

Yogurt and Berry are wondering if Risa and Terry are official.

“Risa and Terry. Are they official?” - Short Comic - Official

5 25

Yogurt’s phone goes off during class! Oh no!

“I’ll have to mute the phone.” - Short Comic - Silent

7 31

Last comic for the month! The kids at the nursery remind Yogurt of herself growing up!

“I start to understand Mama a bit more.” - Short Comic - Parallels

7 33

Berry thinks Yogurt’s in a hurry to become a mother!

“It’s too early for that!” - Short Comic - No Rush

7 32

We’re back to current day Yogurt for this chapter! Yogurt’s looking after some kids at the daycare!

“I was quite a stubborn kid.” - Short Comic - Teatime

9 34

Yogurt and Berry are now playing together!

“He’s teaching her right now!” - Short Comic - Childsplay

7 33

Yogurt apologizes to Berry for trying to steal his blankie.

“Why would I need to be sorry?” - Short Comic - Saying Sorry

8 39

Yogurt’s in trouble now. She has to stand in the corner.

“Stupid. Stupid, stupid.” - Short Comic - In the Corner

10 35

Young Yogurt and Berry are playing picnic!

“Give me the blankie!” - Short Comic - Picnic Time

7 29

It’s Yogurt’s nap time!

“Come little Magpie. It’s nap time.” - Short Comic - Nap Time

8 32

Baby Yogurt wakes up her parents in the middle of the night!

“Are you laughing at me?” - Short Comic - Night-waking

7 36

First comic for the new decade! Yogurt Mommy Mode on.

“Mama’s here for you.” - Short Comic - Maternal Bond

6 42

Last comic for the year! See you next year!

“We had so much fun together.” - Short Comic - Next Year

4 24

Yogurt’s waiting until Christmas to open her gifts!

“You’re quite the good girl.” - Short Comic - Patience

6 24

There are some late arrivals to the Christmas party!

“You’ve made it, Anne!” - Short Comic - Late Arrival

4 27

Terry is filling up his plate with all the food they have!

“You’re a big guy and there’s lots of food around” - Short Comic - Buffet

6 26

Olivia has a Santa suit for Risa!

“I’ll still think you made it exclusively for me.” - Short Comic - Made to Fit

8 31

Hazel has something to give to Koko!

“It’s not really Santa that brings gifts.” - Short Comic - Bringing Gifts

7 28

With Olivia’s friends at the nursery, they could help keep the kids company for the party!

“We were invited just to look after the kids?” - Short Comic - Extra Hands

7 23