Nyangkul Lagi, Ga Perlu Dalem-Dalem Amat [SoS:FoMT]

Besok, sore-sore di pukul 17:00 WIB; Nima akan lanjut bertani sambil nyari kembang desa yang lucu buat disimp. Ikz~

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my throat is being funny so I end the stream earlier than expected

It was fun singing these tho! I'll hope to sing a lot of them again in other stream or even covers....?

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Jadwal berikutnya! / Next live schedule for

Tanggal 25 sampai 31 Januari! Twitch streams are in English!

Jika ada perubahan jadwal akan diumumkan lewat Twitter dan FB! Any change of schedule will be announced in Twitter / FB!

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[Collab] Devil Sachou & Magicat Girl's OTA-TALK!

Here goes the waiting room for tomorrow's collab with ! We probably will switch from English and Japanese so everyone can understand, so please do come!

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Good morning (?) everyone!

For today's I'll play Melty Blood in Twitch, on 16:00 WIB~ I want to celebrate Tsukihime remake!

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Jadwal berikutnya! / Next live schedule for

Tanggal 18 sampai 24 Februari! Twitch streams are in English!

Jika ada perubahan jadwal akan diumumkan lewat Twitter dan FB! Any change of schedule will be announced in Twitter / FB!

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[Nirmana Nirmala] Nima's Tips in Writing Vtuber Lore!

Mulai setengah jam lagi!

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[Nirmana Nirmala] Nima's Tips in Writing Vtuber Lore!

Stream berikutnya akan hadir tanggal 13! Akan membicarakan tips menulis lore Vtuber terutama buat yang indie, lho! It will be brought in both English and Indonesian!

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Jadwal berikutnya! / Next live schedule for

Tanggal 11 sampai 17 Januari! Twitch streams are in English!

Jika ada perubahan jadwal akan diumumkan lewat Twitter dan FB! Any change of schedule will be announced in Twitter / FB!

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"Nanoda~" was also said by Mone from Yumeria

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Jadwal berikutnya! / Next live schedule for

Tanggal 4 Januari sampai 10 Januari! Twitch streams are in English!

Jika ada perubahan jadwal akan diumumkan lewat Twitter dan FB! Any change of schedule will be announced in Twitter / FB!

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yes yes precious mahou shoujo must protecc

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today's redeem! thank youu
Nima so cute! I hope you can hear her NYAHAHAHA when seeing this pic!

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Her name reminds me of a character from a magazine that I used to read when I was a smol quacker (am still smol in size).

Happy 7th (+1 day) Monthversary Nima! Hope you had a great one!

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I made a site for myself! You can contact me about business inquiries and collabs here if you're not mutuals yet with me on Twitter*!

(*Don't forget to include your email!)

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Nirmana Nirmala 4. Ft. Evelyn! Ayo Belajar Istilah Fandom Vtuber Jepang!

Waiting room untuk collab besok dengan sudah hadir, lho! Dan iya, ini thumbnailnya .

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Live Dubbing bahasa Indonesia DDLC lagi, part 2 (beneran)!

Hari ini, 19:00 WIB!

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Dan sesuai pemenang poll kemarin, Nima juga akan main DDLC di Youtube lagi, besok jam 19:00! Sambil dub Live bahasa Indonesia!

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