arturia (it's a festival! 🎇)

7 6

arturia lily (happy lilies!)

44 55

arturia (ecstatic cafe manager!)

7 5

arturia (a spooky pumpkin 🎃)

24 28

arturia (*gilgamesh says literally anything* what?? suddenly i cant hear)

12 10

arturia (penguin... ✨✨)

14 16

arturia (with arturia)

20 15

arturia (riceball! 🍙)

9 11

arturia (cafe time with the team saber girls ☕🍰🍪)

5 3

arturia (sshh she's sleeping)

17 19

arturia (soft and warm like mashed potatoes)

23 17

arturia (majestic... beautiful...)

12 21

arturia (with her friends nero and jeanne!)

14 17

arturia alter (hanging out with your other emo friend)

25 19

arturia (when you give in to your emo side)

32 41

arturia (yukata and snacks with arcueid!)

41 37

arturia (pajama time w/ nero)

18 16

arturia (a sunny day w/ rin)

10 9

arturia (i'm not a model the camera just turned on by itself)

21 19