New looks good. Drew BP because i had been marathoning his show's theme for two hours.

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And done! "The War is Over". An artwork to cheer up the shippers of my timeline after the trailer ♥

24 63

Just watched trailer- WOW!
Heres my / Signed Limited Print

15 33

New Civil War posters to got with the new trailer!

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: une première bande-annonce renversante vient d'arriver


35 29

sketch I did... Wanted to convey the feels...

4 5

マーベルが 「#キャプテンアメリカ / - キャップとアイアンマンの口論シーンをツイート

3 3

AMERICACIVILWAR (2016): Film Won’t Focus on Superhero Registration

3 4

Cada vez falta menos para

72 169