Happy Pack Your Own Lunch Day! What snacks could these have packed on their backs?

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Like this post if this is the best you've had all day!

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The weekend is here! Who's ready to play?

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It's Fun at Work Day! The want to know who you have fun with at work?

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Just because it's Monday doesn't mean you have to have the blahs! Make it a great day!

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For National Compliment Day, tag someone you think is a total sweetheart and post a compliment below!

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The best kind of caring comes from the heart!

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Merry Christmas from the Hope your holiday is filled with lots of fun, friends and

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It's almost time! The are getting excited! Are you?

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The want to know what's on your wish list this year?

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Get your voices ready! It's National Go Caroling Day!

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Perfect ingredients 4 a great holiday? Cups of love & spoonfuls of mixed 2gether w/fun! Enjoy!

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It's Go for a Ride Day so grab a & your favorite set of wheels & have some fun!

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Dwnld the Advent Calendar app from iTunes & join 4 a fun countdown to Christmas! http://t.co/7PbdfP8uEa

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I think my children were embarrassed with how much I know about the Care Bears.

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Carebear! Get it? Like Carebear, Ker-bear? No? Lol :P. Hope you're alright today x

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Get green or get poked! 'Wear GREEN on St.Patty's Day!' by CareBearTici https://t.co/0GaraJDtns

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