Ooi, eu sou o Caio e fiz esse perfil pra postar uns desenhos digitais que eu faço. Aceito encomendas e de vez em quando vou fazer umas coisas aqui, tipo sorteios e etc, então se puder seguir eu fico feliz e vc tem a chance de ganhar um desenho meu, só vantagens pô

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everyone has their own interpretations when it comes to things like body type/height etc, but here is mine. i kinda consider everything i draw of these guys depicted in an au btw

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Messing with the aesthetic of my stream tonight. This is what I got so far, wanted to share. Haven't really figured out much else, but would like to add special 'banner areas' for followers etc, though I don't KNOW how those widgets work.

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Mmmm si pero no, osea aber, siento que mi anatomía a mejorado mucho, la nariz, ojos, rostro, etc, han cambiado y me gusta♡, pero el problema que tengo con mi estilo es que ¡VARIA MUCHO! Siempre hago de diferentes maneras ciertos personajes, como deku... https://t.co/5CE6gci8bf

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So, was playing a game of Knockoff (where someone draws something, someone tries to coply that, someone tries to copy that, etc, with less and less time for each sucessive drawing) and I made something I'm actually rather proud of: a doodle of my sona's Synth form!

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Editing my 3D model renders and starting to get some beautiful results!! Stickers, prints, etc, to come 🥰

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By morning a cop, by night a superhero! Here’s XYZ! He’s one of my favorite Oc’s since he looks really cool and etc, I’m still new to collaborations but after reading the previous showdown I hope he gets in!

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a living legend, is one of the reasons I’m still animating and drawing etc, which is going well thank you! His era on Doctor Who resonated with my fledgling freelancing years and he continues to be a positive influence.
“Please dooo keep it, keep it up.”

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Hi! I made more tutorials on how to achieve shiny clothings (works on leather effect) and etc, Hope it helps 🌸🌸🌸😊

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DCAU introduced me to so many great characters, Dr.Fate, The Question, KG Beast, Green Arrow etc, I really hope they do something like Justice League Unlimited again

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hello, sorry for not posting or doing art. since starting my meds and changing dosages and etc, i've been having a hard time adjusting and have honestly been in a terrible headspace. Doing art has been upsetting since it started, but im slowly trying to relearn-

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My name is "pinshecomunista", I am an artist who is starting, I draw everything, furry, weapons, cars, backgrounds, etc, I draw as a hobby, but I have several projects of comics, both on an island, and a project of a comic from Formula 1

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Sou Midnight_Zero e eu desenho coisas que vem em minha cabeça para representar muita coisa que existe no mundo, representar os negros, lgbts, a natureza etc, tudo em forma de um mundo fantasioso https://t.co/A1lqoOsTgl

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🐺Los lobos NO atacan a los humanos.
Por culpa de la cultura popular, cuentos, videojuegos, etc, las personas temen a los lobos porque se piensan que se van a abalanzar sobre ellos, pero en la gran mayoría de los casos no ocurre eso.+

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Eliza, a boyzinha do meu quadrinho ✨✨

obs: devido ao final de semestre e trocentos projetos que a faculdade tem pedido, estou meio off dos projetos pessoais, twitch e etc, MAS eu estou organizando tudo isso pras férias e conciliar semestre que vem.
obrigada o apoio sempre! ❤️

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Your “glide sketch pencil” literally changed my life when I bought your kit (it’s been ages!) and basically every brush that was in that kit!!! (Gouache wet, dust... etc, these are all about your Kit!) 💖

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I am also open to taking small comissions for icons, sticker designs etc, heres a couple examples.

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Enumeraré algunos montajes del KKS

1 AMLO y Gatell tienen Covid?

2 Les robarón 27mil medicamentos contra el cáncer a la 4t?
3 Escoltan al detenido Emilio Lozoya al ministerio público?
4 Dejan libre al Narcotraficante Ovidio Guzmán (ahijado de AMLO)
Etc, etc, etc,

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~¡Busco mutuals! ✨

Buenas, soy nueva en busco mutis para interactuar y que les guste;

~✨; JJBA, JJK, SK8, Devilman Crybaby, BNA, Beastars, Osomatsu san, etc, anime en si.
Y por supuesto, Studio Ghibli Supremacy.

fav y rt para que llegue a más gente <3🧡

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